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The experiment where we feed spent hemp biomass to dairy cows has started!

Update on the project will be posted weekly

We moved the cows in the Calan gates pen the 3 March 2021 after collection of blood, injection of carrageenan for the skin test, and we started to feed some spent hemp biomass the 10 March 2021. We also measured milk components before the cows moved inot the Calan gates. They took almost a week to learn to eat in the Calan gates. Cow were divided in the two group (control and cows receiving spent hemp biomass) based on the lack of any significant difference between the two group of >30 parameters, including complete blood count, milk yield and components, body weiggh, and body condition score. We will increase the spent hemp biomass in the next 3 days to reach the 3 kg/cow, when the time 0 of the intervention period will start.