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Past Project 2015-2019: Effect of Selenium-Enriched Hay fed to cows during the dry period on immunity of peripartum cows and calves

The project aims to determine the effect of feeding a specific amount of Se-enriched Alfalfa to dairy heifers during 40 days pre-partum and for 14 days post-partum and evaluate the effect on the immune system, including transcriptome of liver and macrophages in milk, of the cows and of their calves.

The project is led by Shana Jaff and Matteo Mezzetti and is done in collaboration with Dr. Charles Estill (OSU), Dr. Gerd Bobe (OSU), and Dr. Trevisi Erminio (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy)

Peer-reviewed papers

  • Jaaf, S., Batty, B., Krueger, A., Estill, C., & Bionaz, M. (2020). Selenium biofortified alfalfa hay fed in low quantities improves selenium status and glutathione peroxidase activity in transition dairy cows and their calves. Journal of Dairy Research, 87(2), 184-190. doi:10.1017/S002202992000028X
  • Shana Jaaf, Matteo Mezzetti, Erminio Trevisi et al. Selenium Biofortified Alfalfa Hay Supplemented to Dairy Heifers During the Peripartum Affects the Antioxidant Function of Albumin but Has Little Impact on Metabolic and Immune Function, 24 November 2020, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-112033/v1]

Conference abstracts

Effect of selenium-enriched hay on Se concentration in blood and milk, immune function, and performance in dairy cows during the transition period  presented by Shana Jaaf, Matteo Mezzetti, Angela Krueger, Brandon Batty, Jennifer Belveal, Michele Premi, Jenelle Foster, Erminio Trevisi, Gerd Bobe, Charles Estill, and Massimo Bionaz, 2018 ADSA Annual Meeting

Calves born from cows fed with alfalfa enriched with selenium have higher Se in blood and higher phagocytosis presented by Matteo Mezzetti, Shana Jaaf, Sebastiano Busato, Michele Premi, Erminio Trevisi, Gerd Bobe, and Massimo Bionaz, 2018 ADSA Annual Meeting

Project members: 
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Principle Investigator

Funding Source


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